Cebu Nalusuan island Hopping tour – 17 Apr 2012
On 17 Apr, It was a beautiful day. Two teams had visited us, they had chose the Nalusuan island Hopping tour course. Thank you for visiting. Have good time in Cebu!
On 17 Apr, It was a beautiful day. Two teams had visited us, they had chose the Nalusuan island Hopping tour course. Thank you for visiting. Have good time in Cebu!
This team visited third time, on 10 Apr they was been Hilutungan, on 11 Apr they was been Nalusuan and on 12 Apr they was been Pandanon. Our English Website does not have the Pandanon island hopping tour course. but we set up for them. Thank you so much for 3 times visiting. Have good…
On 11 Apr 2012, two teams visited us for hopping tour. One team visited again, they already were been Hilutungan hopping tour course yesterday, so they chose the Nalusuan island hopping tour. Another team was a just married couple. they also chose the Nalusuan island hopping tour course. Thank you for visiting. Have good time…
Unfortunately, weather was not good, it was rainy. One team visited us for hopping tour. They had chosen the Hilutungan island hopping tour course. Also they had fun with Discover Scuba Dive 1,000 peso promotion. After they got back from Hopping tour. They liked to take tour another course, so They will visit again tomorrow….
Promotion for hopping tour customer!! We serve Discover Scuba Diving program only 1,000 peso for hopping tour customer. Discover Scuba Dive will be doing our house reef before departure of Hopping tour. Also we will taking picture while Discover Scuba Diving. When you will get back from Hopping tour, we will provide CD which contain…
On 9 Apr, one team visited. They had chosen the Nalusuan island hopping tour course. Thank you for visiting. Have good time in Cebu.
Good weather is going on…. On 8 Apr, 2 persons visited, they had visited two days ago for hooping tour. They had chose Hilutungan hopping tour course again. We recommended another hopping tour course, but they wanted same course because Sea food lunch. they said ” we loved Sea food lunch” Thank you for your…
It was a good weather. Couple visited us for Nalusuan island hopping tour. Thank you for visiting. Have good time in Cebu.
On 6 Apr, 3 Groups visited us for hopping tour. Two teams had chose the Nalusuan island hopping tour course and another team had chose the Hilutunan hopping tour course. Specially, one customer of Hilutungan team had a skin scuba diver license. she had dived at Hilutuagan Marine Sanctuary. Thank you for visiting. Have good…